Laundry Secrets of a DHP Employee

Laundry Secrets of a DHP Employee

Laundry Secrets

of a DHP Employee

There’s a common misconception that one laundry powder has the power to be the Jack-of-all-trades when it comes to cleaning our clothes, but this is not always the case. To really get the most out of your Dominant laundry products, we asked one of our own what their favourite products were to use in their laundry.

This is what our Marketing Manager had to say:

For Whites

• ½ scoop Dominant Front Loader Washing Powder (or 1 scoop Dominant Top Loader Washing Powder for top loaders)
½ scoop Dominant Booster and Soak
On a warm (40°C) wash

For Darks

30ml – 60ml Dominant Botanical Liquid Laundry

For Towels, Sheets and Pet Bedding

1 scoop Dominant Clinic
½ scoop Dominant Booster and Soak (if extra dirty)
10ml Dominant Botanical Fabric Softener (add a little extra for towels and sheets)

For Wool and Delicates

Dominant Wool and Fine Fabric Wash


Take these wonderful helpful hints, and try them for yourself.

Post by Creative Department

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