Comfy Fabric Softener & Brightener

Quick Overview

Different from most fabric softeners, Dominant Comfy Fabric Softener & Brightener is silicone free and will not clog your washing machine.

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Average rating 

- Does not contain silicone
- Anti bacterial, sanitises and softens
- Reduces wrinkling and static electricity
- Soft waterlily fragrance

Lydia M

Best on the market

Tried and true, I've used this for more years than I can remember! I recently tried another brand that was on special, big mistake, this product walks all over the competition. Best fabric softener on the market.

  • 7 out of 7 people found this review useful.

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Comfy Fabric Softener & Brightener

Comfy Fabric Softener & Brightener

Different from most fabric softeners, Dominant Comfy Fabric Softener & Brightener is silicone free and will not clog your washing machine.

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