Stain A to Z


Very difficult to remove once dry. Pick off excess, saturate with Dominant Liquid Pre-wash Spray, allow to act for ten minutes, then launder in a laundry detergent of your choice.

Rub neat Dominant Laundry Liquid into stain. Allow to act for ten minutes, then wash with a laundry detergent of your choice.

Rinse in water, then wash with a Dominant laundry detergent. For old stains soak in Dominant Booster & Soak.

Rinse under cold water tap as quickly as possible, and wash with a Dominant laundry detergent if fresh. Old stains may require soaking in Dominant Booster & Soak in warm to hot water.

Biro Ink
Soak area in methylated spirits (caution – highly flammable), then wash in warm water with a Dominant laundry detergent.

For fresh stains rinse with COLD water then soak in Dominant Booster & Soak in cold water for at least 30 minutes. Wash in a Dominant laundry detergent. Old set stains are diffi cult to remove. Soak in Dominant Booster & Soak in warm water, then wash with a Dominant laundry detergent. Hot treatment may be required for stubborn stains.

Treat with Dominant Liquid Pre-wash Spray and leave for 10 minutes then wash in warm to hot water with a Dominant laundry detergent.

Candle Wax
Scrape off excess wax. Then harden wax either by putting garment in a freezer for one to two hours in a plastic bag, or rubbing with ice. This will make the wax brittle and easy to remove with a blunt knife. Place between kitchen towels
and iron with a warm iron. This will melt the wax and allow it to soak into the towels. Finally wash with a group A laundry detergent in warm to hot water.

Chewing Gum
Place in freezer or dab with ice cubes to harden. Scrape off as much as possible. Apply Dominant Pre-wash Spray, leave to act for a few minutes, then wash in warm water.

Rinse with water, then soak in  Dominant Booster & Soak in warm to hot water before washing in a Dominant laundry detergent.

Correction Fluid/Liquid Paper
Dab with dry cleaning fluid or correction fl uid thinners then wash with a Dominant laundry detergent.

Treat with Dominant Liquid Pre-wash Spray, then wash with a Dominant laundry detergent in warm water.

Spray with Dominant Liquid Pre-wash Spray, leave to act for ten minutes. Wash with a Dominant laundry detergent.

The turmeric in curry powder is mainly responsible for the yellow stain. Treat promptly by soaking in Dominant Booster & Soak in warm to hot water.

Remove solid matter then soak in Dominant Booster & Soak in warm water before laundering in a Dominant laundry detergent.

Food Stains/Dairy Products/Sauce
These may be a mixture of fats, colours, starches and proteins. Soak in  Dominant Booster & Soak before laundering in a Dominant laundry detergent.

Treat with Dominant Liquid Pre-wash Spray, then launder with a Dominant laundry detergent in warm water. Stubborn stains may require soaking in Dominant Booster & Soak in warm to hot water.

Rinse with water, then wash with a Dominant laundry detergent.

Inks are often very diffi cult to remove. Treat as soon as possible. Pre-treat with Dominant Liquid Pre-wash Spray. Leave for ten minutes to act. Then wash with a Dominant laundry detergent.

Soak in a solution of Sodium Thiosulphate (available from chemists), then wash in a Dominant laundry detergent.

Rinse with water, then wash with a Dominant laundry detergent. Old stains may be soaked in Dominant Booster & Soak in warm to hot water.

Soak in Dominant Booster & Soak in warm to hot water. Leave overnight to soak if fabric will sustain it. Then wash with a Dominant laundry detergent. Bad mildew stains may require soaking in a chlorine bleach solution only if the fabric is bleachable.

Allow to dry and brush off excess. Wash using a Dominant laundry detergent at higher than usual dosage.

Dab with methylated spirits and wash in a Dominant laundry detergent.

Treat with Dominant Liquid Pre-wash Spray. Leave for five minutes to act, then wash with a Dominant laundry detergent in warm water.

Paints are difficult to remove. Treat as soon as possible. If fresh, saturate waterbased paints with water, and solvent-based paints with mineral turpentine. For dried-on paints, treat with Dominant Liquid Pre-wash Spray. Leave for ten minutes to act, then wash with a Dominant laundry detergent.

Treat with Dominant Liquid Pre-wash Spray then wash with a Dominant laundry detergent.

Pet Stains

Shoe Polish
Saturate area with Dominant Liquid Pre-wash Spray. Leave to act for a few minutes, then wash in warm to hot water with a Dominant laundry detergent.

Soft Drinks/Medicine
Rinse in cold water then launder with a Dominant laundry detergent. Old stains should be soaked in Dominant Booster & Soak in warm to hot water, then washed with a Dominant Laundry Detergent.

Saturate with Dominant Liquid Pre-wash Spray. Dab with kitchen towels to remove excess. Respray. Leave to act for ten minutes, then wash in warm water with a Dominant laundry detergent.

Rinse with water, then soak in Dominant Booster & Soak in warm to hot water before washing.

Rinse off residual pips and pulp then soak in Dominant Booster & Soak before laundering with a Dominant laundry detergent.

Rinse with water, then soak in Dominant Booster & Soak in warm water. Wash with a Dominant laundry detergent.

Rinse off excess solids, soak in  Dominant Booster & Soak in warm water, then wash with a Dominant laundry detergent.

Rinse with water and wash with a Dominant laundry detergent if fresh. Old stains may require soaking in Dominant Booster & Soak in warm to hot water.

Do not use chlorine bleaches or alkaline products on woolstains.

See ‘Common Washing Solutions’ below.

Common Washing Solutions

Grey or Dingy Articles


Insufficient detergent

Use correct level. Hard water or heavily soiled clothes require extra  detergent.

Improper sorting

Wash light and dark coloured items separately. Separate light from heavily soiled items. Clothes can pick up soil from dirty wash water.

Water not hot enough

Better performance is usually achieved at higher temperatures, unless using Polar Cold Wash Laundry Powder.


Clothes must circulate freely through the water for best results.


Yellowed Articles


Unremoved soil

Skin soil is hard to remove. Check hem edge of sheets and pillowcases, bottom end of T-shirts, etc. If this portion is white and centre is yellow, the fabric contains unremoved soil. Use sufficient detergent and hot wash (if possible).


Some white fabrics yellow with age and cannot be whitened. Store articles in dry conditions. Avoid damp areas and thoroughly air dry before storing in plastic bags.


Torn or Damaged Articles



Improper use of bleach

Always measure and dilute chlorine bleach.


Ensure all items move freely during agitation. Fill to next level or lessen load.

Insufficient precare

Fasten all hooks and zippers. Mend tears. Remove objects from pockets.

Excessive Lint

Improper sorting Fabrics that shed lint cannot be washed with fabrics that receive lint.
Insufficient detergent Use enough detergent so lint remains suspended in water and flushed out.
Insufficient water level Select higher water level for the size of wash load.
Items left in pockets Tissues, paper, etc. will cause lint. Check pockets, sleeves etc before washing.


Cross Staining of Dye

Dyestuff has poor fastness Wash separately until no more dye bleeds out. Use Wool Wash for all clothes prone to dye bleeding, as alkaline detergent powders can increase dye loss. The addition of salt (about two cups in a large machine) with the laundry detergent can help set dyestuffs.
Dyestuff affected by solvents Some dyes are removed by solvents. Before using pre-wash products, test on an inconspicuous area first.
Wash temperature
too high
Some dyes are fast in cold water but bleed at higher temperatures. Wash separately in cold water with Polar Laundry Powder.
Wet clothes left in contact Remove articles from the washing machine as soon as spin with each other cycle ceases and dry immediately.
Incorrect sorting Sort garments carefully, wash similar colours together. Wash whites and coloureds separately.


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