What Makes Dominant Laundry Powders the Best?

What Makes Dominant Laundry Powders the Best?

What Makes Dominant Laundry Powders the Best?


Many Dominant customers have been using our laundry powders for over 30 years. Why?


Laundry PowderOutstanding Performance

Dominant powders are highly concentrated with all the wonderful stain removal goodies. Our powders (except for Sensitive LP) contain the following:

  • • Enzyme System - to remove a wide range of stains including protein (blood), fats/oils and starch


  • • Solar activated oxygen bleach - dry your clothes in the sun and watch your whites get whiter!


  • • Colour-safe oxygen bleach - Makes whites white and colours brighter



Dominant Laundry Scoop Comparison

Economical Price Per Dose - Our Scoop is Smaller

Many supermarket brand laundry powders contain sodium sulphate which acts mainly as a ‘filler’ to increase the bulk density of the product. Hence a larger dose per wash and more sodium is added to the effluent.

Dominant laundry powders do not contain sodium sulphate or fillers


Environmentally Friendly and Garden Safe

Many supermarket brand laundry powders often contain as much as 30g/wash sodium ions, which will significantly increase the salt level in the soil when recycling grey water.

Dominant powders contain only 5.5g/wash (except Clinic at 10.8g/wash)


Laundry PowderGentle on Skin

pH is a symbol expressing acidity or alkalinity. The pH scale runs from 0 to 14 with 7 indicating neutral, 0 very acidic and 14 very alkaline. Human skin has a pH of 5.5.

Dominant laundry liquids have a similar pH to human skin, making them gentle on hands and fabrics.

Dominant laundry powders also contain a lower fragrance level compared to many supermarket brands, making them less irritating to skin and people who suffer with hayfever and other allergies.


Convenient Reusable Packaging

All of our laundry powders are available in reusable buckets and refill bags. This means that you buy a bucket and keep it for years, simply refilling it.

Post by Creative Department

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