Do You Know What is Lurking in Your Clothes?
Washing your clothing regularly and with a good quality laundry detergent is essential not just for removing stains and body odour. It can also prevent you from getting sick. If you have young children we have little doubt that you’ll be a stranger to illnesses such as cold, flu and stomach flu. Kids alone can get up to 6-10 colds a year, (all year around, not just during winter), and stomach bugs such as gastroenteritis are also very common in children that attend day care centres, kinder or school. They spread easily due to the close proximity in which children play and its often not long until everyone else in your home comes down with the same unpleasant ailments that your child brought home with them.
Talking about the spread of germs in the home Kelly Reynolds, a germ researcher and associate professor of environmental health at the University of Arizona recently told Time Health “We’ve found that one germy item in the washer will spread to 90% of other items.” According to the expert, it doesn’t matter how hot you set the water temperature on your machine. “When it comes to moulds that cause skin or respiratory infections, or organisms that cause cold, flu and stomach flu, most of them will survive the wash cycle.”
We know, gross right?
But fear not. Whilst washing your clothing on a ridiculously hot temperature setting might not be the answer, we know what can. Originally designed for hospitals and the aged care industry, where highest grade disinfectant is a standard, Clinic is the only independently tested, all-in-one laundry powder with built in anti-bacterial properties available for home use. It has been independently tested by NATA (National Association of Testing Authorities) accredited laboratory – Siliker Microtech who provided an extensive independent analysis of Clinic laundry powder, proving its antibacterial effectiveness when used in accordance with product instructions.
So, what makes Clinic so special?
• Kills bacteria causing common illnesses such as cold, gastroenteritis and tinea
• Antibacterial action is activated at a low 40°C – helping to protect your garments
• Highly concentrated with no fillers
• High level of detergency combined with potent antibacterial action
• Strong performance on oily stains and contains enzymes to break down protein soils
• Solar activated oxygen bleach safely whitens and brightens colours
• Low foaming – suitable for front and top loaders
• Readily biodegradable and septic safe
Clinic is the must-have product in your laundry cupboard to help kerb cross-infection in your home and to protect your family from illness causing bacteria.
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