The Magic in Dominant Laundry Powders

The Magic in Dominant Laundry Powders

The Magic in Dominant Laundry Powders

Dominant Laundry Powders

What are enzymes?

Enzymes are a biological catalyst that increase the rate of reaction of chemical processes. Our bodies produce a range of enzymes for use in the digestive system to break down starches, proteins and fats so they can be absorbed into the blood stream. For example our saliva contains an amylase enzyme that starts to break down starchy foods whilst we are chewing them.

In cleaning applications a range of enzymes are used to assist in the removal of difficult soils. Protease enzymes help remove protein deposits such as meat and blood soils. Proteins are very large molecules that are difficult to remove. The enzyme breaks it up into smaller parts making removal easier.

Other enzymes used are amylase enzymes that break downs starchy soils such as custard, gravy etc and lipase enzymes that attack fatty soils.

Enzymes combined with detergents produce a more thorough cleaning action removing all traces of soiling, leaving clothes clean and fresh. For best results with enzymes, leave to soak for a while in warm water and not add chlorine bleach.

What is a dual or triple enzymes system?

Enzymes are one of the most expensive components used in cleaning products, so are normally only used in premium products. Many enzymatic products only contain a protease enzyme as proteins are difficult to remove.

Dual or triple enzyme systems contain a blend of 2 or 3 enzymes for optimum results, as clothes are normally soiled with a range of different types of soil. For example a bolognaise sauce would contain proteins, fats and starches, so using triple enzyme system would give best results.

What are Microsavers?

A unique enzyme complex added to laundry powder formulations that gently remove the protruding and damaged fibres and small pills on the surface of fabric as well as the dirt trapped inside them. Fabric stays in ‘as new’ condition for longer.

What is Oxygen Bleach?

An oxygen bleach is a mild form of bleach that removes stains such as tea, coffee, wine, fruit juice without affecting the dyes or fading the fabric. They are much safer to use than chlorine bleach which strips colour.

What are Optical Brighteners?

Optical brighteners are added to laundry powders to enhance the colour and brightness of fabrics. When optical brighteners are exposed to sunlight the ultra-violet in sunlight is converted into invisible light, the result being clothes that look brighter and newer.

What is pH?

pH is a scale used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. The scale runs from 0 to 14 with pure water having a pH of 7. From 7 to 0 represents an increase in acidity. Conversely from 7-14 gives an increase of alkalinity.  Healthy skin has a pH around 5.5.

What are fillers?

Dominant laundry powders contain no sodium sulphate fillers and are 100% active ingredients.

A filler is generally inorganic salt (usually sodium sulphate) that is added to a laundry powder to increase the volume. Fillers have no cleaning or water softening properties and mean that more product must be used since less active ingredients are present. They also increase the level of salts in effluent which is bad for the environment.

Many supermarket brands list the contents and these usually contain sodium sulphate.

Dominant Laundry Powders Convenient Reusable Packaging

Post by Creative Department

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