Preparing for the flu season

Preparing for the flu season

With Winter well and truly on its way, we’re already starting to dread the onset of the cold and flu season. While cold and flu can be unavoidable, there are some things that can be done to reduce the risk.


According to the World Health Organisation, hand hygiene is the single most important means of preventing the spread of disease and infection. Poor hand hygiene practice is strongly linked with healthcare associated infections and is a major factor in the spread of antibiotic-resistant organisms within hospitals. Which makes it extremely important to maintain ultimate hand hygiene, especially during the cooler months to try and prevent your household from turning into a cold and flu incubator.

Using Saniclear Instant Hand Sanitiser to ‘decontaminate’ hands is perfect way to prevent the spread of cold and flu. Just a couple of pumps is all you need.


Saniplus Wipes


Did you know that Dominant Saniplus Wipes contain Hospital Grade disinfectant? This makes them the perfect go-to product when there is sickness in the home.

Wipe down any hard surface in the bathroom, kitchen, car, bedroom or living areas and simply throw the wipe in the bin. Saniplus Wipes leave a fresh and clean eucalyptus oil fragrance.

While we like to promote eco living at Dominant wherever possible, when you have a house full of sick children, a product like Saniplus Wipes really is a necessity.



Dominant Clinic Antibacterial Laundry Powder is the ONLY Antibacterial Laundry Powder on the market.

While you may not need to use Clinic as your everyday laundry powder, when cold and flu strikes, it is the perfect laundry product to rid your linen and towels of any lingering germs.

Clinic sanitises at just 40°C, meaning you can also wash garments that cannot be thermally disinfected by washing at much higher temperatures. Perfect for kids pyjamas when they’ve been sick, and even soft toys.

Hand Hygiene Tips

  • • When your hands are visibly dirty, be sure to wash them with a liquid hand cleanser like Hands & Shower and water.
  • • If your hands don’t have any visible soiling, it is perfectly safe to just use Saniclear to clean your hands.
  • • For ultimate hand hygiene, ensure you wash your hands:
  •  Before you eat
  •  Before you prepare food items
  •  After touching raw meats like chicken or beef
  •  After contact with body fluids like blood, urine or vomit
  •  After changing infant or adult nappies
  •  After touching animals or pets
  •  After blowing your nose or sneezing
  •  After going to the toilet
  •  When there is a risk of cross contamination

Post by Stacey Anderson

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